My Journey to Wellness...

“Do you want to talk to someone about how to lose weight?” a family member asked.

“What are they talking about?” I thought.

I was ten years old and up until that point I had never thought about my body image or weight. After that moment, I never stopped thinking about it.

When my best friend told our gymnastics teacher that I could not straddle over the pommel horse because I was fat and a boy at the pool blurted out in front of the most popular girls in class “oh my God, your thighs are huge!” it killed me inside.

Being overweight at a young age led to a journey of food restriction, weight fluctuations, and even prescription diet pills – all of which proved to be unhealthy and unsustainable. It took me twenty years to really understand what it means to eat, live, and thrive.  

Today, as a registered dietitian nutritionist and healthy cooking expert I help others change their lives and forget “diet” foods and calories. I replace those with positive health and lifestyle changes that are the core of my philosophy while focusing on “real” food ingredients and a holistic approach to life.

My career in nutrition has taken me around the world. I have stepped into countless TV studios, boardrooms and people’s lives to share my principles that have been proven time and time again to work, and it’s an honor to share them with you here!

Please know that your journey to health can be a beautiful one and I am here to help you every step of the way!

Keep Exploring